Children's Health service


In the table below you can read about specific projects that belongs to Children's Health service, and for which purpose the money is stated to be used.
Observe that money donated to CYP1100, Children's Health Service, not automatically is given to the projects shown below, but that this projects is separated but belonging to Children's Health Service.
Money donated to CYP1100, Children's Health Service, is used to cover children's needs in the CARAGA-region, and enable FTMW to include children not belonging to our ordinary program. I.e. that we can offer more children to follow in health check-ups, be included in vaccinations, operations etc.
No. Description Project No. Link
1100 Collect boxes for Child Health Care CYP1100 1100
Donations can be paid to us in EURO on followed account:
IBAN SE31 9500 0099 6042 0418 2960
Bank: NORDEA Sweden
For further information, please contact:
FTMS Filipino Tribe Mission Sweden                                                 Reg. No: 802422-2393
Att: Klaveness
Örngränd 3
681 43 Kristinehamn, Sweden
Phone: +46 760 675 238
Cell Phone: +46 705 987 266
PG 41 82 96-0
Bg 5495-2361
Print if payment is in SEK or EURO
Bank: NORDEA Sweden
IBAN SE31 9500 0099 6042 0418 2960

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