FTMW - Filipino Tribe Mission Welfare



Santiago is located along the highway route between Surigao City and Butuan City approximately halfway from the both cities.
In Santiago Filipino Tribe Mission co-operate with Pastor Luciano A. Omba who is responsible for Santiago Christian Mission Church. The church is a member of and is sponsored by a Korean assembly but is in need of local support in their work to reach members of Manobo tribe.
The fact is that Pastor Omba himself is a member of the Manobo tribe, from the part of the tribe that is derived from Cantilan and Madrid on the other side of the mountain, seen from Santiago.
Pastor Omba has by now not heard yet from his Korean friends and Filipino Tribe Missions goal, after agreement with Pastor Omba, is to find sponsors for partly Manobos and Santiago's children and partly to the electric bills that becomes a huge cost when the bible school is supposed to start.
Manobo is alike Mamanwa a tribe which lives outside the society in the Philippines.
The instructions that is given about Manobo in the Universities and  other schools in Manila is one-sided and narrow-minded when in reality Manobo as a tribe is huge, multicultural and full of nuances.
For the safety of our children and their families, we do not show their pictures online.

Sponsor Child

FTMW Contact person for Santiago, Agusan Del Norte:

To be a sponsor



Donations can be paid to us in EURO on followed account:
IBAN SE31 9500 0099 6042 0418 2960
Bank: NORDEA Sweden
For further information, please contact:
FTMS Filipino Tribe Mission Sweden                                                 Reg. No: 802422-2393
Att: Klaveness
Örngränd 3
681 43 Kristinehamn, Sweden
Phone: +46 760 675 238
Cell Phone: +46 705 987 266
E-mail: ftms@tribemission.com
PG 41 82 96-0
Bg 5495-2361
Print if payment is in SEK or EURO
Bank: NORDEA Sweden
IBAN SE31 9500 0099 6042 0418 2960

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